15 novembro 2010

Coisas giras que encontro (roubo) de outros blogs

Vi este post aqui e não resisti em roubar a ideia. Há sempre algo que gostaríamos de dizer a alguém, que gostaríamos de ter dito na altura certa e não fomos capazes ou não tivemos a oportunidade. É um exercício de escrita e de libertação. Não digo que as vou escrever todas, ou que as publicarei aqui. Mas gosto da ideia subjacente.

  1. Letter to your best friend
  2. Letter to your crush
  3. Letter to your parents
  4. Letter to your sibbling
  5. Letter to your dreams
  6. Letter to a stranger
  7. Letter to your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
  8. Letter to your favourite internet friend
  9. Letter to someone you wish you could meet
  10. Letter to someone you don't talk as much as you would like to
  11. Letter to a deceased person you wish you could talk to
  12. Letter to the person that caused you a lot of pain
  13. Letter to someone you wish could forgive you
  14. Letter to someone you've drifted away from
  15. Letter to the person you miss the most
  16. Letter to someone that is not in your city or country
  17. Letter to someone from your childhood
  18. Letter to the person you wish you could be
  19. Letter to someone that pester your mine - good or bad
  20. Letter to the one that broke your heart at the hardest
  21. Letter to someone you judgeg by their first impression
  22. Letter to someone you want to give a second chance
  23. Letter to the person you last kissed
  24. Letter to the person that gave you your favorite memory
  25. Letter to the person you know that is going through the worst of times
  26. Letter to the last person you made a pinky promise to
  27. Letter to the friendliest person you knew for only one day
  28. Letter to someone that changed your life
  29. Letter to the person that you want to tell everything to, but you are to afraid to do it
  30. Letter to your reflection in the mirror

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